

Jquery Drag and Drop Table Save into Database Using PHP

Jquery, PHP By Aug 28, 2017 16 Comments

Jquery Drag and Drop table and save the order into Database using PHP is very simple after reading this tutorial. Our tutorial is all about how we can drag and drop the table rows and save the order into the database using the PHP. For creating a drag-gable table rows we have to use the Jquery which is very simple…

Webcam in PHP Using Jquery | Save Webcam Image in Database

Jquery, PHP By Apr 26, 2017 8 Comments

Hello friends after seeing many issues and great response at our previous post about How to Use Webcam in PHP. We have changed the code and now we have use the PHP Class for making it more simple to use.  In this article we will tell you how you can use this class in your application. You can now download…

Get Image SRC Value Using Jquery

Home, Jquery By May 29, 2016 No Comments

Many times we need our image URL for performing some actions like zooming, changing or providing effects. In this tutorial we will get the Image SRC value using Jquery. In this tutorial we will divide the code into 2 parts. “HTML and JQUERY”. Index.html <img src=”logo/logo.png” id=”logo”> <input type=”button” id=”bt” name=”bt” value=”Click Me”> <p id=”name” style=”display:none”></p> In the above example…

Autocomplete textbox using jQuery, PHP and MySQL

Jquery, PHP By May 22, 2016 4 Comments

Autocomplete is a very useful project for user’s. It gives a list of things what you are searching according to your entered text. It saves time and offer’s a list of products and services with same names. It will give user’s more ideas based on their searching. I have a list of states in India in my SQL file you…

Jquery Selector – For Selecting Elements,ID,Class

Jquery By Jul 14, 2013 No Comments

Jquery Selector Using Jquery is making your web page more flexible and more working. Using Javascript was bit old and now we have Jquery which is based on Javascript and creates the DOM with less code. So here we will discuss how we will select the elements in Jquery. HTML  Tags (ID, Class) Selecting HTML elements in Jquery is easy…

Selected Date +15 Days in other Textbox Using jquery Datepicker

Jquery By May 09, 2013 No Comments

In many projects we have to calculate the future dates. Ex- We have 2 fields and we have a jquery datepicker in one textbox and another one is normal textbox. Now what we want is when we select date from datepicker other textbox will show the selected date + 15 Days ex- I select 09-05-2013 now other textbox will show…